Tag "photography"

Tintype Studio

Uncentered:”Koga” tintype diptych (each tintype 13 cm x 18 cm)


May 2014
Uncentered: Koga
Next work in the series ‘Uncentered’ we’re working on.
This one shows Arjen’s old bike. He made a special edition repro for his dads 65th birthday titled: ‘the first day of the rest of you life’ picturing one of his biggest passions: cycling.
Arjen can’t wait to shoot his dads old bike:  a marvelous blue vintage Gios Torino…
If you haven’t seen the first Uncentered click this: ‘studio’

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Tintype Studio

“200, at least” tintype 9 cm x 12 cm


Tintype Studio

“Hollyhocks” tintype 18 cm x 24 cm


June 2014
A view to varnish
Arjen shoots, I varnish and write.
This is my table for either writing or a huge varnish job like this. Still I’m about 200 plates behind… And I wonder if I’ll ever catch up. The brown paper that protects the surface of my table is covered with words and scribbles from my hand. Stained with lavenderoil and resin.
Through the window I see a tree with a Spotted Woodpecker couple, the other tree is the buffet for a Short-toed Treecreeper, walking round and round every branch. In between the trees a Hedgehog likes the kind of buffet that walks by itself: snales and slugs. Before I can think of the next neighbour to write about, my plate catches fire and a blue flame boils and blisters the sanderac and what could have been a good varnishing job is now ruined or at least another attempt is needed.
I keep saying to myself that I’ll finish this job before the Hollyhocks next to the lantarn will bloom…

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“Joris” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm

Just because this plate rocks! Credits really have tot go to  Joris’ features and his great sense of style. (More plates coming soon… scanning, scanning, scanning)

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“Dodged” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm

June 2014
Shot at ‘Walhalla’ / ‘Rijk van de keizer’ area. It’s the view from our hidden darkroom, out of the Bride & Grooms sight…

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Tintype Studio

“Where we live” tintype 18 cm x 24 cm

June 2014

The view from our doorstep translated into a dazzling swirl

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Tintype Studio x Buurvrouw&Buurvrouw

“Buurvrouw&Buurvrouw” tintype 18 cm x 24 cm



“Maartje” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm



“Jonathan” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm


May 2014
Buurvrouw & Buurvrouw 2.0
Remember the sweet duo from Magneet Festival 2012? ‘Buurvrouwen’

Well, they are back. With a new ‘private’ performance in this caravan.
It’s a joy to shoot these ladies and ringmaster of the circus. The result is a feast to our eyes.

For bookings or info check out their page:


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‘Noon’ (13 x 18 tintype)

‘Noon’ is selected for the exhibition ‘Light’ (ZomerExpo: from May 29th – August 31st) at Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. We’re very thrilled, and we can’t wait to see this work in an exhibition context.





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Tintype Studio @ Dag van het Ambacht 2014

“VanGendthallen” tintype 18 cm x 24 cm

Tintype Studio @ Dag van het Ambacht 2014

“Richard” tintype 18 cm x 24 cm

Tintype Studio @ Dag van het Ambacht 2014

“Bas” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm


“Bas with bas” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
Another festival with demonstrations, along with all different kinds of arts & crafts. Shooting plates in an area that we now know is probably going to close: the VanGendthallen next to Roest Amsterdam. We hope the new owners will keep the light from the roofglass. It’s lovely. As you can see.


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Tintype Studio

“Steven” tintype 13 x 18 cm



wet plate collodion workshop op KABK door Went&Navarro wet plate collodion workshop op KABK door Went&Navarro wet plate collodion workshop op KABK door Went&Navarro wet plate collodion workshop op KABK door Went&Navarro wet plate collodion workshop op KABK door Went&Navarro

 pictures (5) above © Deen van Meer




May 2014
For the next generation…
Tintype Studio @ KABK

Such a nice and inspiring day at the KABK (The Hague,
We shared some of our knowlegde and hopefully created a spark and passion for the process. We intended to ‘just’ do a demonstration or two, but ended up giving guidance to 25 students pouring their first plate, expose, develop, fix and varnish. So it was definately a ‘work’ shop (sweatshop) for us… The best results were not shot by us, but by these promising students! Thanks for inviting us. And special thanks to Deen van Meer, who made some nice shots of the gathering.

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Tintype Studio @ Open Domein 2014

“La Molina” tintype 18 cm x 24 cm

This particular plate makes me stare. Like the stare and gaze I get when I see a tintype from the old days. A tiny story locked inside. Who? Why? Where? When? For how long?
In this case I can help you out: at Open Domein 2014, Weesp, NL, for about 40 seconds.

Why? Because we love this! Shooting plates of beautiful objects, initiatives, or in this case, a Ferris Wheel restaurant.
A plate like this is a timelapse captured. A still movie. Not a frozen still, but the sum of moments. I know this might sound cheesy or like a cliché, but somewhere I hope, within a few decades, or a century maybe, somebody would have a look at this plate and will ask himself these same questions.

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