What will happen if you coat an unvarnished wet plate with cyanotype solution. On the same plate. That’s the question I asked myself last saturday. And this is what happened. Very pleased, and a whole new project to work on!
Read More“Little Bike” tintype 18 cm x 24 cm
“Guido” clear glass ambrotype 18 cm x 24 cm
“Girl” brown glass ambrotype 13 cm x 18 cm
Sweet Summer @ Kroller Muller, July 13th 2013
My first reaction (driving into the Natural Park surrounding the museum):
“Wow, I wish I could live here…”
Second reaction (driving directly with our rental bus into the Sculpture Garden):
“Wow I wish I could camp here…forever”
Third reaction (rinsing our first plate):
“Wow… this is not work, this is holiday!”
On invitation of Kroller Muller’s Sweet Summer, we packed our gear, and drove to the most beautiful area in the Netherlands, the Veluwe.
Unfortunately we don’t have permission (yet) to publish all the lovely plates we made of some sculptures, but here are some results!
Note: July the 27th we’re there again, for wet plates in the sculpture garden! We hope to see you there!
Info: http://www.kmm.nl/summer-night
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“The Artist” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
“The Scientist” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
“Art&Science” brown glass ambrotype 18 cm x 24 cm
Art & Science (April 2013)
A couple of…
Inspiring people, classy goodlooking people, fascinating people!
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“Before” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
“After” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
“No! Not this plate! Gr!@$%^&&” (!!! (some words not apropriate to repeat…)
When we think we’ve come a bit closer to mastering this unique process, something like this happenes:
A plate (a lovely one) has to be varnished at one point (or another). That is my job, that’s what I am good at. After a week of tweaking the varnish, (a drop of more demi, a drop of ethanol when it flows too slow) it seems perfect. I give it a go with a test plate. Result is fine. I warm this plate a bit, handwarm, as it should be. I flow the varnish (sanderac dissolved in ethanol with a finishing touch of some lavenderoil to get the cohesia a bit better) and then it happens: the plate gets dark, edges smudge, and I can see tiny cracks appear in the silvery image… If I pour off the varnish, I know, the whole image will float off the plate…
And I curse, almost cry.
It hurts.
“Suzy-Yzus” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
Tjeerd, the proud owner of this lovely lady!
“Beard#1” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
“Beard#2” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
“Beard#3” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
Thank you for being bearded (April 2013)
At Open Domein the amount of bearded man was extraordinary as was the amount of people on the waiting list. Time to filter a bit: only the strong and bearded were allowed to have their picture taken…
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“Gaia” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
“Mark” grey glass ambrotype 9 cm x 12 cm
“Anne” tintype 9 cm x 12 cm
“Mark” tintype 9 cm x 12 cm
“Me” tintype 9 cm x 12 cm
TROUW Nachtbazaar #2 (March 2013)
Some plates we shot in TROUW. New and flawless collodion, a fresh reduced silverbath, and beautiful faces to shoot. Good ingredients are half the work.
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“Luca’s Bella Barba” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
The beard is a phenomenon reinvented in this era. I used to think having a beard was only permitted in old yellowish pictures of my parents, but these times beards seem to fit a new strong and manly kind of man in protest against …(you name it). And as a woman I can only dream of having a beard myself. Soft, serious but pettable. Besides all that, beards always appear nice on wet plate…
Read More“Playground” tintype 13 cm x 18 cm
Our playground, where you can find us working and living together as a couple to create, to cry, to enjoy and celebrate, to love and trust.
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ECW 2013!
We can’t wait to see everyone again who was there last year in Eindhoven… Let’s make awesome plates and conversate by the campfire untill dawn.