
Dutch Design Week 2011, Eindhoven.
Even our own Wet Plate Guru came along, to watch and see, and to make this nice picture of Arjen showing the process to visitors.

foto: Alex Timmermans

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Dutch Design Week 2011, Eindhoven
This is a small selection of all tintype mugshots we made in Eindhoven. Thank you all for your enthousiasm, the 6 seconds of your time and of course your lovely faces. Without you we wouldn’t have had a collection as diverse as it is now!

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October Dutch Design Week 2011, Eindhoven.
The Tintype Studio went live and was temporary located at Designhuis, an old courthouse. For 10 days, people could get their mugshot taken the oldfashioned way! Every step in the proces, from brewing of the chemicals, floating the collodion, photosensitizing the plate, the 6 seconds exposure, developing and the varnishing, was visible for all visitors. 350 portraits in one week… what a practise…and what a criminal result!

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